Meet Jayden, a Hunger Hero

May 26, 2017

Fifth grader Jayden and his family rely on weekly food assistance from the Food Bank, but his superpower is giving back. This little hero wakes up every Monday morning, two hours before school starts, to volunteer with his grandmother at their neighborhood food pantry.

When we asked him whether it’s hard to get up early, he says, “I do it to make sure that everyone who comes to school won’t be hungry.”

All year, kids like Jayden step up to help their families and community face hunger. But when schools close for the summer and families lose access to school meal programs, childhood hunger reaches its peak. Right now, proposed cuts to food assistance programs threaten to make childhood summer hunger even worse.

Luckily, today you have twice the power to fight childhood hunger. Through June 15th, PG&E is matching all gifts to the Food Bank. Please make a gift today and be a Summer Hunger Hero for kids like Jayden. Please donate here.

Food For All

November 18, 2016

“Food For All” – three small words that highlight the Food Bank’s big mission to end hunger in our community. It’s also the focus of our new ad campaign on transit, billboards, street pole banners around San Francisco and Marin.

We believe that Food For All is a basic human right – that all our neighbors have the right to food, especially in a community filled with so much abundance. Food is more than just nourishment: having enough food to eat alleviates stress, promotes long-lasting health benefits, and creates opportunities for people to focus on goals and dreams. During the holidays, Food For All brings hope and joy. It strengthens our community. It transforms lives.

Please, donate now to help us provide Food For All.