Why a Fair and Accurate Census Matters in the Fight to End Hunger

March 12, 2020

Every 10 years, the US Census Bureau counts everyone in the US, which has lasting impacts on political representation and federal resources to support schools, hospitals, roads, and social services for local communities. 

Census 2020: Everyone Counts

We believe that a fair and accurate Census count is key to achieving our mission of ending hunger in San Francisco and Marin. Nonprofits like us and our partners have a responsibility to ensure that the people we serve, who are often from populations most at risk of being undercounted, are included in the count. Our network has deep, trusted roots in our communities, so we can help reassure our neighbors that participating in the Census is safe and important.

There’s a Lot at Stake 

The Census is not only an opportunity to empower our community — it is also an opportunity to help feed the nation. Data from the Census is used to determine how much federal funding will flow into essential food programs, like SNAP (food stamps), school meal programs, and the Women Infant and Children’s (WIC) program. It also guides funding for programs that support food banks like Community Development Block Grants and Community Service Block Grants.  

In 2016, California received more than $7 billion for SNAP (also known as CalFresh in California) from federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census.  

 Census participation is critical – it will measure how many people across the country need food and help shape business decisions that help create jobs and prevent hungerEven a small undercut can cost states tens of millions of dollars. 

Join the Effort! 

We need our community partners to help support a Census that honors the diversity of our communities and leads to a full, fair, and accurate count. The 2020 Census provides a chance to shape our nation’s future. If we envision a hunger-free San Francisco and Marin, we need everyone to help spread the word about the importance of the Census and ensure no one is left uncounted.